Hola a tod@s de nuevo.
Como habréis podido comprobar, el cerrado "temporalmente" ha sido más bien definitivo....
He tenido que pasar página y dejar de lado este blog que me trajo tantos buenos momentos.
Después de un tiempo, he empezado un nuevo proyecto "para empezar de 0" y que quería que conocieseis.
A l@s que me seguíais en Le Fasion Suite (y por supuesto tod@s l@s que queráis) os invito a conocer PLAY YOUR LIFE
Os espero en esta nueva aventura blogger!!
(Podéis visitarlo pinchando en la imagen inferior)
Hello everybody again.
Since you could have verified, the enclosure "temporarily" has been rather definitive....
I have had to pass page and to leave this blog that me brought me so many good moments. After some time, I have begun a new project "to start since 0" and that I wanted you to know.
To everyone that you were following in Le Fasion Suite (and certainly everybody that you want) I invite you to visit PLAY YOUR LIFE
I´ll wait you in this new blogger adventurer!! (You can visit it by clicking in the image below)
I´ll wait you in this new blogger adventurer!! (You can visit it by clicking in the image below)
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